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Need more energy just to get you through your day?

Overcome your fatigue and create a life that has you jumping out of bed in the morning!

Working with Dannielle, has helped me to completely change the way I look at food. It's like this program has flipped a switch in my brain, so I want to make healthy choices when eating.

I didn't even realise that my thoughts had changed until a friend pointed it out!

- Former Client

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 Is your snooze button the only thing in your life getting a workout? 

Do you wake up each morning wishing you could just go back to sleep? 

I see you.

Drinking endless cups of coffee and relying on chocolate and sweets to power through your day, only to leave you battling uncontrollable food cravings, weight gain, mood swings, and headaches. Then, even though you stumble into bed feeling utterly exhausted, you still struggle to get the good night’s sleep you really need, and wake each morning feeling just as tired as you were the night before.

It’s a vicious circle that leaves you with barely enough energy to get through your “To Do” list, with nothing left for the people you love or activities that bring you joy, and leaves you feeling like you are missing out on what is most important in your life. 

But the truth is... It doesn't have to be this way!  It’s time to take back control of your health!

With all the stresses we face in our modern world, it is common to feel fatigued from time to time. Learning how to give your body the support it needs during times of stress, can help you to go from stressed, anxious and overwhelmed, to calm, energised and living your best life.

How can I help?


Hi, I am Dannielle Philipson, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and lifestyle coach. I help women to ditch the stress, anxiety and fatigue, so they can regain the energy to live their life to the fullest.

After struggling with my own health for years and eventually being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I know first hand how devastating chronic stress and fatigue can be. It is this experience that has led me to study nutrition and focus my practice around helping women overcome their stress and fatigue.

I believe that a healthy lifestyle, needs to fit YOUR lifestyle. Getting healthy doesn't need to be difficult or complicated, and shouldn't leave you feeling overwhelmed or deprived of the foods you love. It’s time to skip the fad diets and find a solution that works for you. I can help you to determine the root cause of your fatigue, and give you the knowledge, accountability and support you need to transform yourself from feeling fatigued to feeling fabulous!


It's time to stop waiting for your symptoms to magically disappear and start putting your health and wellbeing at the top of your "to do" list!

Click the button below to start your transformation.


Follow me on Instagram @dannielle.philipson


About me

After struggling with my own health for over a decade, before finally being diagnosed with ME/CFS and being told to “learn to live with it,” I suddenly realised that there was no magic pill that would help me feel better and if I wanted to get better I would need to figure it out on my own.

So I shifted my focus to the basics: diet, lifestyle and mindset. Very slowly, I started to see improvements. As my health improved, I started to notice many other women struggling with similar issues: stress, anxiety, panic attacks, brain fog, fatigue, low mood. They weren’t as sick as I was, but they were still struggling. It was then that I knew that I wanted to study nutrition and use my knowledge and experience to help others.

True health is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is not a one size fits all approach, and smaller steps done consistently will reap greater, longterm results, than turning your life upside down in an attempt to “do everything right.”

I now strive to educate and empower others to take back control of their health and help them to recover their health & vitality, so they can look and feel their best.


Dannielle studied Applied Holistic Nutrition at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Vancouver Canada and graduated with First class honours and achieved the designation of Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)